Thursday, December 15, 2022

Bad Dream 176 -- Allison Has Issues

In my dream, I am in a room with a number of other people.  Initially, I don't recognize anyone, but then I see Allison some distance away.  She is smiling -- almost grinning -- as she walks hand-in-hand with a guy towards a door to an adjoining room.  They enter the room and I "know" that they've locked the door.  

I also "know" that they've left these other people in order to have sex.  My notes on this dream suggest that she invited him to have sex rather than the other way around.

Now, I'm very fond of Allison and I don't want to see her get hurt -- knowing that's happened often enough in her life.  And she certainly seemed happy to take this fellow into the other room for a tryst.  So it's likely that she will be fine.  

But "likely" isn't good enough.  I plan to stay around -- even though I don't know anyone else in the group -- until I see Allison again and feel that she's okay.  There's a slight chance she might need my support.  And that slight chance is enough to keep me nearby.

I walk outside onto a small porch surrounded by a waist-high railing.  I don't want to be conspicuous in the group and have no interest in chatting with any of them.  But I'm going to stay close for the reason stated.  

The ground on the other side of the fence is quite far below me. So obviously the railing is there to keep people from falling over the edge.  And this suggests that either we're on some kind of tower or edge of a cliff.  I don't know which and can't figure out how to find out.  

I find myself back in the room with the crowd of people and see Allison returning to the group in the company of a guy who may or may not be the one with whom she left the room.  They are both naked.  He sits on a chair or sofa and Allison sits on his lap in such a way that they can have sex or continue to have sex.  There's not much response from the people around them.

Something happens such that the guy isn't there anymore, and Allison is there -- naked and in a state of sexual ardor.  She invites a nearby man to continue the coitus, but he declines.  She asks another guy with the same response.  After several more asks with the same result, she is getting somewhat frantic and desperate.  

She asks every male in the room except me and one other guy.  I don't know whether she even sees me or know that I'm there.  The other guy saunters over to me and says something like  -- "Well, you and I are the only guys she's not going to invite."

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