Sunday, December 27, 2020

Bad Dream 133 -- Morning of 12/27/20

In my dream, I am taking a test/exam on a Shakespeare play.  My dream didn't inform me as to which play.  I am in a small classroom at a classical student desk writing out my essay answer(s) to the test.  Or exam.  There are maybe 5 or 8 other students taking the exam.  Or test.

I am cruising through this.  I know the play well.  I enjoy it and feel I understand what the author wanted us to get out of it.  And my insights into the play are being sharpened through the process of writing out my ideas.  I am pleased and excited.  I think I'm writing on lined yellow copy paper (not the dreaded Little Blue Test Book) using green ink.

There's still time left before our essays are collected, and I still have some additional writing to do.  But I feel the need to visit the bathroom for the usual reason.  

When I return, the room is essentially empty.  The other test takers are gone, the instructor or test monitor (that's not clear which it is in the dream) is also gone.  All the desks are empty except for mine, which is where my mostly-finished paper still resides.  

It occurs to me that I can be accused of cheating.  That I might have smuggled a copy of the play into the test room and taken it with me to the bathroom to check on a few things before finishing and submitting my test paper.  Or possibly that I had stashed a copy of the play in the bathroom somewhere for the same purpose.  

I am feeling anxious and angry at myself for not having seen this possibility beforehand.  And I was doing so well!  

I take my test papers down to an office setting where I think the teacher/monitor might be so I can explain the situation and hope my test will be accepted just on my say-so and the good will of the test supervisor.  In the process, I realize that I might have gotten an "okay" to visit the bathroom from the test supervisor -- and maybe had an escort to assure I wasn't cheating.

There are two young women sitting at desks in the office.  They're rather pretty, but look quite different -- one from the other.  They look as if they are both office workers rather than faculty members.  I explain my situation and ask if I can leave my test with them so they can hand it over to the professor with my explanation.  They both seem perfectly happy to do this.  They nod almost in unison.

I wake up.

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