Sunday, December 6, 2020

Bad Dream 130 -- Morning of 12/6/20

Finally connected having a coherent dream with having the wherewithal to write it down before it evaporated.  

In my dream, I find myself near a major airport.  I think it's supposed to be Boston, but I'm not sure.  I've come from the airport and have a Specific Job to do -- but the dream doesn't share what that Job is.  I know I have to keep track of where I am because I need to get back to the airport sometime in the not-too-distant future.  (It's interesting to note that the dream does not include anything about airplanes: getting on, getting off, getting your luggage, nothing.

I then find myself inside a large, seemingly single-story building.  Fairly typical business and commercial structure and furnishings.  There are offices left and right off the central corridor -- names on the doors' glass windows, etc.  Some doors open, some shut.  Most if not all of the office spaces are limited in size, so they are probably Field Offices of larger corporations somewhere else.  

I realize that, to accomplish the task I'm here for, I need a pad of paper.  Just a simple A-size pad of lined paper.  And I don't have one.  

I walk up and down the halls of this large building, passing lots of small business offices and the occasional retail store.  But none of the stores are likely to have the pad I need.  There are jewelry shops and (ladies?) clothing stores, but nothing like a business supply store or a simple drugstore that might carry pads of paper.  

I think it odd that, in a building this large with so many businesses obviously busy with office-type work that there wouldn't be a stationery store of somesuch.  But there you are.  It occurs to me that I could probably stop into one of these small business offices and just try to secure a pad of paper from them, but something prohibits me from doing so.  That happens in a dream world, you know...

Occasionally, I find myself outside on a street (a city street, but only single-level buildings), which is houses and small offices and such lining the street.  And every now and then, I see a shop maybe a block away, but once again, it's not a business likely to have a pad of paper.  The good news is that I'm not being channeled through the environment the way I was inside the building.  The bad news is that I may be losing track of where the airport is in regards to my current position.  That would be bad.

As I continue looking for a pad of paper, I suddenly realize I have put Something Important down somewhere -- and didn't pick it up again.  And I have been searching for a pad of paper in so many places, that it's extremely unlikely I'll find it again.  In fact, I'm not totally sure I know what it was, so I couldn't even ask anybody "Have you seen an X around here recently?"  

At that point in the dream, I seem to think I told myself: "Geez, you can't find a pad of paper, you've lost that Something, you don't know what it was, it's possible you won't be able to get back to the airport in time...  You might as well wake up."

Which is what I did.

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