Sunday, June 14, 2020

Bad Dream 124 -- Morning of 6/14/20

It should be noted that this dream showed up after I had been awake for a while and gone back to sleep -- I think twice.  I spent much mental "time and energy" this morning worrying about the future.  Will our country manage to hold itself together in the face of all these challenges showing up at once?  It feels like this anxiety was an important part of the dream, but I don't know how.  Just yet...  Also, I didn't write up the dream until late Sunday afternoon and early evening.

In my dream, I am standing in an old, large garage.  It feels just too large to be a single person's -- or family's -- garage but the stuff that's in it feels like personal property. Much of the detail of what's in the garage remain just a sideline to the "gist" of the dream, but I seem to recall some gardening equipment, a gas can or two -- that sort of stuff -- placed around the walls of the garage.  All of it casually placed and somewhat dusty/grimy/dirty.  

In retrospect, I find it a bit odd that I didn't have a car or even a thought about a car.  Great big garage.  No vehicle to put in it. 

But I do remember a motorcycle.  A black Honda twin from the 1960's.  In the dream, I recall thinking it was a 305cc engine -- and looking closely to confirm that.  Yes it is.  I feel somewhat smug for knowing that.  

But I know it isn't my bike and I am getting tired of it taking up room in the garage.  And the fuel tank is dusty, so it hadn't been used in quite some time.  So I lift the side kickstand and wheel it out to the street curb.  I think the owner will get a bit shirty about this, but I think he has it coming to him.  

(I don't remember the order of the next two phases of the dream.  They may have happened in the reverse order of my writeup.)  

I am back inside the garage.  I notice a door on the side of the garage.  The wall is made of brick, and the door is nicely made -- if a bit tired -- with a rounded top.  Then I notice that the brick pattern around the door indicates pretty clearly that this wasn't the original door.  The original door was much wider and taller, and the space between that original brick door frame and the newer round-top door is filled in with a well-done pattern of bricks.  I wonder what that original door was meant to be used for.  It's much too large for people but too small for a vehicle entryway.  The "new" door is properly sized for people, but maybe two feet above the floor.

The owner of the Honda shows up but is not surprised to see his machine at the curb rather than inside the garage.  He's a short round nebbishy looking fellow.  His concern, which he voices loudly is "Where's my helmet?"  I look down at my feet and see a bright red half helmet.  Stupid looking, but befitting the bike and its owner.  I tell him "It's in here, sitting right next to your helmet."  The owner grumbles something and starts walking in.  

(My notes from this morning next say "I want crying uncontrollably."  I think my dream self is doing just that.  Crying uncontrollably.  And feeling that if he/I keep at it, the crying will drain off the anxiety that I'm feeling.)

The next part of my dream involves my Mother.  It's very unusual for my dreams to include her, but it's good in this case to be close to her.  (There's something in my notes about " something something, but the flows are not the same.  This could be water or energy, but it's important to know that there are two separate systems of the flow.  There's also something about Eddystone, which refers to a power plant where I taught several courses ever so long ago.)

I see that my Mother is seated and has her hand wafting slowly over a used  electronic panel.  It looks very much like the horizontal mother board of an old-fashioned TV set.  I'm concerned because I recall that there are big whacking capacitors on some of these modules, and that touching one of them if it's charged could release a considerable amount of electrical power.  I don't want my Mother to get hurt.

I wake up -- more because this is my third wake up of the morning rather than that my dream is complete.  

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