Friday, June 5, 2020

Bad Dream 123 -- Morning of 6/4/20

(I didn't get around to writing up this dream until about 30 hours after it took place.  So some of the details are a bit fuzzy and possibly inaccurate...)

In my dream, I am taking an exam.  It's a math exam -- and back at college, I struggled with math considerably -- taught by a woman teacher.  (I had a woman teacher -- PhD in math -- and did particularly miserable in her classes.)  But the teacher is not in evidence for the exam.  

Knowing that I'm up against a serious challenge in the exam, I get to the classroom early to  get situated and properly prepared.  There are two other people in the classroom when I arrive: Ricky Coburn and an unidentifiable.  (Ricky lived quite close to me and we did, in fact, share some classes back in High School.  We didn't get along at all, but I don't think there was any antagonism there.  Just different circles of people.  But I did beat Ricky in our elementary school's spelling bee.  He and I were the last two contestants and he blew a word that I knew how to spell.  I think he left the stage in tears.  I felt sorry for him -- watching him go offstage -- and wished that maybe the end result had gone the other way.  Ricky had an older brother -- Rusty -- and he was the same age as my older brother -- Richard -- and I think there was some serious animosity there, but I never knew why...)  

As suggested, I was expecting an exam with some very difficult questions and exercises on it -- and the two other people in the room seem to be working quite hard.  And now the room has a number of other students in it -- all of whom seem to be working hard.  When I look at my test paper, however, the questions look to be rather easy.  I wonder if something is going on that I should feel so  comfortable while everyone else seems to be struggling.  Do I not have the same test paper as everyone else?  

As I settle in to working on the test, there is some chatter starting up between various members of the class.  I don't think they're talking about the test -- giving each other answers or suggestions about how to approach any particular question -- they're just chatting.  

The chatter gets a bit louder, and I find I can't concentrate with all this talking going on.  (I think) I call out and ask for some quiet -- this is, after all, a test we're taking.  There is some agreement with my concern and the chatter decreases.

But one guy, a heavy set fellow, who starts loudly complaining that there's been too much noise.  That he can't concentrate on the test and it wasn't fair and on and on.  He doesn't seem to recognize that, at this point, almost all the noise in the room is his own talking, and he is now interfering with everyone's taking the test.  

I'm pretty fed up with how this is going -- especially since I feel my chances of doing okay on the test were improving until all this noise -- and I yell at this one guy talking and tell him, "Shut Up!!"  He looks surprised and offended.  I start getting concerned because he looks like he could be dangerous -- and certainly that he may continue talking, but start complaining about me calling him out.  And all of this interferes with all of us working on the exam!  

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