Saturday, May 2, 2020

Bad Dream 119 -- Morning of 5/2/20

To understand this dream, it's probably important to know two things:

 -- I stopped doing any repair work on my car many years ago.  I just wasn't very good at it -- and the newer the car, the more it needs to be done at a competent garage.

 -- The camera that shows up in the dream is my most recent one: a Canon EOS 5D Mk IV.  People shoot magazine covers and award-winning photos with this camera.  It's a much better camera than I am a photographer.  

Having said that:

In my dream, I am working to repair my car.  I am on the grass-covered ground and working in driver's side front wheel well.  There is a rusty nut holding a rusty bolt into place, and that assembly needs to be taken apart.  I have the appropriate socket on a ratchet wrench, but just enough clearance to get a couple of clicks with the handle before I need to reposition it.  I'm surprised that the nut is coming loose so easily -- I thought I would have to soak the two pieces with a lubricant and let them sit for an hour, so I'm pleased.  I continue moving the ratchet handle back and forth and watching the nut move towards coming off.  

But then, something changes and the nut no longer moves towards coming off the bolt.  And as I turn it more with the wrench, it seems to be counterproductive.  I start trying to figure out what's going on.  

(Major shift in dream images.)

I turn around and sit up on the ground still trying to figure out what the problem with the bolt and nut might be.  I see a pair of young men somewhere in their late teens walking past my work area.  They look at me with a bit of amusement in their faces.  One of them picks up a piece of paper -- clearly litter -- off the ground and looks to do something worthwhile like put it in a trash can when he finds one.  

The guys are walking between me and a table which I have used to hold stuff while working in this area (probably my back yard, but this isn't perfectly clear).  I look over at the table top and realize to my great distress that my camera isn't on the table any more. I chastise myself for leaving the camera unattended.  It's something I simply don't do.  

I don't recall anybody else passing by while I was working, but it might be the case that someone did, helped himself/herself to my camera and continued walking away.  But since I'd probably never have a chance to retrieve it if that's what happened, I confront the two fellows in front of me.  

At first they both absolutely deny having taken my camera.  But I do something (look angry? make a threat?  I don't recall...) which causes them to change their story.  Yes, they did take the camera and they promise to bring it back that evening.

So I'm in a quandary.  I'm upset because I've lost my camera, but I'm hopeful that the two young men in front of me are serious that I will get it back later that day.  But if I do get it back, what will folks have done with it during the day?  Will it even work when I see it again? In fact, will I ever see it (or these two young men) ever again?

I wake up.        

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