Saturday, May 16, 2020

Bad Dream 121 -- Morning of 5/16/20

In my dream, I am driving my car down a 4-lane busy highway that has been pretty much fully developed.  It's one strip mall after another.  

I am looking for a particular shop or office or other facility, which should be on the right side of the road.  I've visited this place on previous occasions, but have difficulty recognizing it quickly enough as I drive that I don't pass it by.  So I'm paying attention to my driving as I look off to the right as the strip malls go by.  There are a few "waypoints" that I recognize, assuring me that I'm going in the right direction on the right road.

As I approach the top of a rise in the road, I see a large sign -- basically yellow -- that I recall having seen on previous trips to this facility.  So I set myself up for turning off the road sometime soon.  I realize too late that I should have turned off at the collection of stores and offices where the yellow sign was.  I realize this because the road in front of me has changed drastically.  It's now a large expanse of carefully kept grass -- possibly a golf course.   

The scene changes again as I realize I need to find a restroom sometime soon -- and this is more important than getting to the facility I was trying to get to.  I find myself in what may be a large old house that's fairly bare of furniture, etc. and I'm walking into the bathroom.  I am then walking out of a bathroom and towards a door that I know will lead me outside.  There's a woman sitting on a high stool near the door, and she clearly hopes/expects me to pay a fee.  I decide not to pay her.  She smiles at me as I walk past and out the door.  

I am now outside and looking at a gravel-paved parking lot.  It's nearly empty.  I am now inside my car and need to park it somewhere in this large nearly empty parking lot.  I consider one space but think it's too close to a large piece of machinery which might be farm equipment or something used for road repair.  

I finally decide on a place to park my car, but I'm not sure it won't be damaged if someone gets too close to it.  But it's safe enough...

I am now out of my car and am engaged in some light conversation with two boys, roughly 12 and 14 years old.  There is a granite mile marker shaped as an obelisk roughly 4 or 5 feet tall that, for reasons unknown, needs to be moved.  The two boys are bragging that they are related to can lift and carry this large heavy stone all by himself.  I find that I can do the same thing, although the dirt that clung to the bottom of the stone is getting my clothes and my shoes dirty. 

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