Sunday, March 15, 2020

Bad Dream 115 -- Morning of 3/15/20

My dream involves only two people: myself and my younger brother Warren.  I don't recall any unrecognizables or other people, but read on...

In my dream, Warren and I are in a room of some kind.  I don't recall any details about walls, size of room, etc.  Except that I don't think we are in some kind of oversize hall.  There are walls not that far away.  

Warren is telling me about a creature he has experienced.  The creature -- which is bipedal like humans -- comes out of the shadows, does or says something, and then disappears.  (It's not clear to me now whether this creature needs to move back into shadow or whether it just evaporates -- to reappear at some other time and place.  Maybe both.  So it can travel undetected from one shadowed place to another.)  My notes describe this as a "mythical creature."

According to Warren (and my notes), the creature represents an "existential threat" to him and maybe to me as well.  This isn't clear.  

So Warren knows some stuff about this creature, but doesn't know how to destroy it or just make it go away and stop bothering/threatening him.  It seems to be important to Warren that I understand what's going on with regard to this creature.  

My notes indicate that "Warren takes the lead" in this understanding and whatever we need to do about this.  

There then are a few fleeting recollections of being somewhere without Warren and having the creature emerge out of a fold in some full-length curtains or the darkened corner of the room.  It comes at me snarling, but while this is disturbing, I know that it can't hurt me in this setting.  But maybe it could in a different setting.  This feels like it's being presented to me (the real me) as proof that this creature really exists and isn't just a figment of Warren's imagination.  

The scene changes.  Warren and I are now located at a busy highway.  We are standing on the triangle created by an on-ramp merging with the rest of the highway.  Warren continues to be wary about his surroundings and the possible appearance of the creature.  I'm anxious about where we're standing in regards to the traffic.  Both off the entrance ramp and traffic driving on the highway, it doesn't miss us by very much.  And Warren and I are moving around slightly -- and might possibly accidentally get into the way of the traffic.  Warren continues to tell me things about the creature.

(Reading over my notes about this dream, I see the terms "Mythical Creature" and "Existential Threat.")     

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