Monday, March 30, 2020

Bad Dream 116 -- Morning of 3/30/20

In my dream, I am standing in a room -- it feels like a room in an apartment.  There are two other people with me: one switches back and forth from being my sister Martha to being my wife Deb.  The other person is a male Unidentifiable.  

Looking around I see a huge beetle sitting on the side of what looks like a large audio speaker.  It's just sitting there.  It's a shiny black -- and it's the size of the palm of your hand.  It has a pair of large black pincers on the front.  It may be moving back and forth ever so slightly...

I find it charming, but know that the other two people in the room probably won't.  I'm not sure how I can get this critter outdoors, but I know that would be the best thing for the three people and the one arthropod. 

Deb/Martha is moving around in the room and I don't want her to get spooked when she sees this.  So I decide it's best if I tell her about it and show her where it's located at the moment.  Bad decision.  She freaks out and moves away from it.  

(I may at this point in the dream consider how to get my camera ready to take a shot or two before I escort the animal outside.  Not sure -- but it is something I probably would do!)

Between Martha/Deb's rapid movement and maybe some movement on my part, the bug takes off.  Across the floor (I think) and up the far wall.  It stops roughly in the middle of the wall -- which almost feels like an invitation to stop over and trap it for escort outside.

(The way we normally trap a bug to get it out of the house is to take an appropriate sized glass or cup and gently place it over the animal, then slide a card or stiff piece of paper underneath to form a closed container.  And then simply take the container outside and leave it there for a while.  But this bug is so large that it wouldn't fit inside a full-size water glass, much less anything smaller.)

I walk slowly over to the animal and call for Deb/Martha to find a jar that would be large enough.  I have to repeat this request several times, getting more impatient every time I do so.  Martha/Deb finally understands what I need and starts looking around for an appropriate vessel.  She says she's found something that should work, but brings over a plastic bag -- a flimsy piece of plastic like a trash can liner.  

I'm concerned that, even if we were successful in getting the animal into the bag that we would likely damage it as we carried it outside.  But I didn't have any better ideas.  So Deb/Martha stands a bit behind the animal but close to the wall and spreads the bag open and places the edge of the opening tight against the wall.  Hey, maybe this will actually work!  

But we move too fast or something, and the bug takes off again.  We see it scuttle along the wall (a remarkable feat for a bug that big!) and disappear.   

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