Saturday, December 21, 2019

Bad Dream 109 -- Morning of 12/21/19

I'm recording this mainly because several elements of my awake life have drifted into this.  I find that interesting, even if the dream doesn't hold the meaning that I normally hope to find in my dreams:

In my dream, I am in a room in what might be an older college dorm.  Things are spartan but durable and neat.  I know I have a reason for being there, but that knowledge is not part of the dream.  If that makes sense to you...

Either before or after -- or maybe during -- experiencing being in that room, I am also outside standing next to a rather rough playing field, where there's a football game going on.  There's no spectator seating and no one is standing on the side of the field other than myself.  The play is currently at a considerable distance from where I'm standing.  I realize that this would be an excellent opportunity to try out an old camera that I have -- a film camera -- for some action shots of the players.  I then realize that I have such a camera plus fresh batteries plus a fresh roll of film in my possession, so I move to retrieve same.  

(The reason for my recording is based in this last sentence, because it's actually true in my waking life!)

I think I'm now back inside and unzipping the green canvas carrying case to remove said camera.  It's always just a bit of work to pull out the camera -- you have to wiggle it back and forth a bit.  I can feel the canvas and the teeth of the zipper.  It's very reassuring.  

I look at the back of the camera, which reminds me that one of the reasons that digital photography has made such remarkable technical advances is that, once you no longer have to pop open the camera back to change out a roll of film, all that real estate on the camera back becomes available for viewing and control elements.  

My brother Warren shows up in the dream and is impressed with the camera.  He sees something on the front and says "Wow! It's got png!" or something equivalent.  I know it was a so-so camera when it was new, and that it hasn't improved with age.  It's not like it's a 30-year-old Hasselblad or anything...  I decline to say anything to him about this.  He's pleased and so be it.  I look at the front of the camera and can't see any designation for the term he used.  It's a pretty plain camera!

I experience the feeling of holding the camera and moving the telephoto ring -- listening and feeling the unmistakable feeling and sound of plastic-on-plastic.  I immediately recall the joy of doing the same motion with my Canon cameras and L lenses.  No plastic here!  

I take the lens cap off.  It's attached to the camera on a string.  Nobody does that any more.  I hold the camera up to my face and move the zoom ring and then the focus ring.  They both seem to work fine.  I put the lens cap back on and it snaps into place. 

So, as mentioned above, I find it intriguing and rather fun to have my real life "stuff" showing up in my dream -- with color and tactile sense.  

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