Thursday, December 12, 2019

Bad Dream 108 -- Morning of 12/11/19

In my dream, I am in a classroom -- sitting in one of those student chairs.  There are other people around me, also confined to those chairs.  The teacher is talking about something -- I don't think it's anything crucial to the course we're taking.  

He moves from the center front of the room to the side, then starts walking slowly down the side aisle.  He's still talking, but it still doesn't feel like it's world shaking information.

I find myself standing up and walking to the front of the room.  I'm not sure why.  Some of the other students are surprised but not concerned.  I look at the teacher, and his face tells me that what I'm doing is okay.

I start into my "packaged" description of Foucault's Pendulum.  I love to share the story of this wonderful device.  So I can tell the story fully and with energy.  I guess this must be a lucent dream, because I am following the story carefully as I tell it -- and double-check that I'm telling it correctly.  

I wind up the story -- and wake up moments later.

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