Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Messenger. Maybe...

I've just come from a lovely evening with two members of my Care Committee.  We were at the home of one of the participants.  We spent considerable time talking about the responsibilities of the Committee and how the two of them could best address those responsibilities.  Then the talk then turned to how each of us could best address the needs of our Monthly Meeting.  A delightful and meaningful time. 

As I moved to the door to leave, our host apologized for the fact that the front porch light was out.  So I turned on my cell phone's flashlight app to avoid slipping on the wet steps.  Halfway down, I felt a "thump" on the instep of my left foot.  I shone the flashlight down on my foot and was surprised to see a very large toad sitting on my foot.  The size of my fist.  He/she hopped off and -- after stopping momentarily, seemingly to look back at me -- hopped off into the damp underbrush. 

Now, if the porch light had worked, the toad wouldn't have been there.  If I had worn shoes rather than sandals, I might not have felt the toad landing on my foot.  If I had placed my foot a little differently, I might have stepped on the toad.  But the interaction of person and toad worked out perfectly well.  To the satisfaction, it would seem, of both of us. 

So was this just a chance encounter -- me and the toad?  Was the toad a Messenger to say that there was Strong Approval from Elsewhere to the heart-to-heart talk I'd just had with my Committee members?  Who can say?  (But I know what I would like to think about the issue!)

Sometimes God sends Flights of Angels.  Sometimes God sends Toads. 

Same same. 

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