Saturday, January 13, 2024

Bd Dream 193 -- Set Me On Fire

In my dream, I am standing on a plot of grass -- quite possibly someone's yard -- along with several young men mid- to late-teens.  I know them, but not all that well, except for my dear friend Zink, who is standing with the rest of the guys.

Parked nearby is a fire engine.

These guys are having some fun that looks horribly dangerous -- taking turns so that everyone can watch the individual action.  The player ignites himself and is burning from head to foot -- and the flames are almost immediately doused by other participants.  

I look on in fascination and horror as this takes place two or three times -- each time with a different person being lit.  

After several sessions of this, some of the guys invite me to participate.  I decline, but I am castigated severely by my friend Zink.  He assures me that there is no pain and that everyone else is doing it.  (I note that none of the previous participants is showing any sign of burning -- either on their skin, their hair, or their hair or their clothing.)

The peer pressure from the group for me to participate increases, and in response -- and also to placate my friend -- I agree to be ignited.

I stand in the right spot and someone comes close to me with a small flame.  I can't tell if it's a lit match, a torch, flare, or some other device.  I was not doused with any liquid that would act as fuel for the fire, but I am suddenly and completely burning all over.  I don't feel any pain, and the flames are quickly extinguished.  I get a brief spate of cheers and applause from the rest of the crowd.

Someone makes the suggestion that I should do this again.  Right now.  I'm a bit puzzled by this suggestion, as no one else has taken a second turn.  But everyone, including Zink, agree that my doing this again would be a good thing.  

What crosses my mind is that, when burning, I am totally dependent on the rest of the group to extinguish the flames.  And it's also clear to me that the only reason that folks are not feeling pain is that the flames are extinguished almost immediately.  And I begin to wonder if I'm being "set up" -- that all that has taken place so far is simply to get me agree to be re-ignited so that I will burn to death. 

I have the feeling that my declining the invitation would not be well received, and that the pressure to participate would show up again -- but more seriously.  I look at my friend, but he seems to be going along with this.  I try to think of a reason that Zink would want to kill me this way, but can't think of anything.  

I am seriously determined not to participate, but don't know how to explain my concerns without accusing the group of trying to murder me.  

I wake up.

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