Saturday, December 2, 2023

Bad Dream 192 -- Getting to the Test Site

In my dream, I am walking along a path.  There are a few trees nearby, but most of the surrounding area is mown grass.  It almost feels like a park.  

I'm working at a controls company and we are about to do a test of a new system while it is still on the company's test floor.  A representative of the customer is here at our facility to confirm that the system works as it should.  

There are five of us walking from one building (headquarters?) to another building where the system is set up and -- we hope -- ready for testing for the customer.

Walking roughly 20 feet in front of me are two people: my supervisor and the engineer who designed the system we are about to test.  They are busily discussing the system and the upcoming test.  

Walking roughly 20 feet behind me are two other company employees.  One of them is a Field Engineer, who will suggest  whatever adjustments are necessary during the test.  And the other is a secretary from the office who will take notes for whatever changes are required and write out the requisite acceptance form for the customer.

I am a Technical Instructor.  I visited the customer's site some time ago and presented a talk about the hardware and software of the proposed system to the maintenance people who will be responsible for keeping the system running effectively.  

I know who is here from the customer's company to oversee the test.  He was a student of mine when I taught the course there and we got along quite well.  So I'm pleased to seeing him again.

I feel a little awkward walking by myself between these two groups, but don't feel I can participate in any meaningful way.  And I might interrupt the conversation in the group ahead -- and the Field Engineer and the Secretary seem to be chatting along quite happily and "two's company, three's a crowd."

We come to a brief rise in the ground, and all five of us are gathered fairly closely for the first time in our walk.  We've been depending on the two guys in the lead to walk us in the right direction, but now they seem confused.  Where is the building that has the system test all set up?  The five of us stand there looking around in all directions, but none of us has any idea where to go from here.  

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