Friday, October 28, 2022

Bad Dream 172 -- Where's My Truck?

In my dream, I'm standing in a construction site.  It's a single level (so far) and the ground is essentially sandy soil with little or no vegetation.  What has been built is a series of concrete walls laid out to form rooms.  So there are openings between the vertical walls which will become hallways and rooms of various sizes.  It's quite a complex layout, and as I will discover later, the layout seems to change from time to time.  Some new walls appear and others disappear.  So it's tricky-to-impossible to find your way through what's been laid out so far.  

It's somewhere near mid-day, and there are construction workers moving about.  I can see them but at no time in the dream to I interact with them.   

I came to the site escorting two people (a man and a woman) who had important business -- either at the site or nearby.  I was to function, not only as a driver, but also as a resource for the two other people in case they needed some additional information on whatever their business was about.  They knew the higher level information, but I knew more of the "nuts and bolts" of the project.  (The dream wasn't clear about what the visit was all about, but I had the feeling that my two colleagues were discussing matters pertaining to the construction project.)

After wandering about through the construction site for a while, I somehow understand that my assistance for additional information would not be required.  So my job was simply to get back to our vehicle -- which was a dark-colored pickup truck -- and prepare to drive my associates back to where we started.  

I don't recall exactly where I left the truck, so I start wandering through the site with a purpose: Find my truck!  

As I move about the site, it becomes more and more obvious that the walls that are going up are also changing.  New walls appearing, others disappearing, some seeming to move or develop holes for windows or doors.  

Twice, as I roam about getting more and more concerned, I pass the place where this new construction meets the existing structure.  In that structure, there are large windows that enable me to look inside.  I see dozens of happy people in a "Holidome" setting of restaurant type chairs and tables with big umbrellas over top of them and a large swimming pool.  I have no idea how this seeming resort/holiday getaway type place will interact with the office-type setting of the construction site I'm wandering around in.  It does not occur to me to try and get inside this existing building to look for help.

Finding such concern and frustration with not finding my vehicle amongst the ever-changing walls, I decide to find the two people whom I brought to this place.  I feel that, whatever they were supposed to do here, they're probably finished and would like to start back to wherever it is we came from.  It's only then that I realize that I haven't seen either of these folks and have no idea as to where to go looking for them.  I think it's highly unlikely that any of the construction workers would know anything about where they might be -- and I haven't seen anyone who looked to be a supervisor.

I'm not panicked by having lost track of my vehicle or these two people.  Concerned, yes, but not freaking out.

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