Monday, October 3, 2022

Bad Dream 171 -- Hassles in Trying to Give a Speech

In my dream, I am supposed to be giving a speech for my employers at what I assume is a customers office and/or shop.  To get there, I spend the previous night at a hotel (suggesting that the speech site is far away from my home and office).  

The hotel room is somewhere between dreary and Spartan.  It contains a single-size bed that is small and not very comfortable.  The only furniture is an old dresser a small table, and a very simple and uncomfortable chair.  Nothing in the room suggests it is dirty or dusty, just very plain and minimal with nothing added for creature comforts.  

The room is on the fourth floor.  No elevators, just simple staircases winding up the hallways.  I start to descend the staircases in the morning carrying my suitcase when I realize that I may have left the radio on in my room.  I can clearly hear a radio playing somewhere up above me, which might be in my room with the door open or it might be someone else's room. 

I don't wish to annoy any other guests that might be staying at the hotel, so I turn around (me and my suitcase) and consider walking up the several sets of stairs to return to my room to see if the radio was in my room -- and then decide not to bother.  I don't wish to expend the energy to carry my suitcase back up the stairs and then back down.  

Getting outside and looking for breakfast, I pass by several "greasy spoon" eateries.  The food smells quite good and it's probably safe to eat, but I think there will be a light breakfast available at the site of the speech.

As I walk along the street, I see a man poking holes in the windows of a sports car that is parked along my way.  He seems very angry and is yelling at someone inside the car.  He's using what looks like a crowbar for this damage he's inflicting.  I consider getting involved, but decide not to do so.  I don't want to be late for my speech and the chances of getting into a violent confrontation with the man seem quite likely -- and he's armed with a crowbar.

I get to the site of my speech and find I was correct that there would be a light breakfast offered, but all I can find are some very uninteresting looking pastries.  I select the least objectionable pastries, put them on a small plate, and walk the plate to a table.  I put the plate down and go to get something (possibly silverware or a napkin), and when I look back, I see that someone is in the process of stealing the pastries I've chosen.  

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