Friday, December 31, 2021

Bad Dream 153 -- Tennis not Tennis

I actually had a dream after this one early this morning,  I made notes on this one, but not the next one.  And I think the next one "erased" part of this one in my memory.  Oh well...

In my dream, I am on a tennis court working to recover my stroke.  (In my waking life, I had actually done this twice against the practice board on Crossland's only tennis court.  It was an abysmal flop.)  In my dream I'm "actually" batting the ball back and forth across a net with someone else.  He reminds me of Mike Friedman from L&N/MAX Controls days.  Except this guy has actually good control over the ball and can place it where he wants it to go.  

I continue to flail away in my dream, much as I did on the Crosslands court.  I think my partner/opponent is doing what he can to support my re-learning effort.  But as it turns out, he's been toying with me -- hitting the ball in places that make my learning effort all the harder.  He's quite pleased with the result, but I'm furious.  As you might guess, that doesn't bother him.  

Something happens at this point in the dream, and I can't recall what it is.  I think I'm still angry at being "played" by this guy, but I find myself sitting in the passenger seat of an Austin Healy Mark 1 Sprite.  Red.  Pretty much the same car that my older brother Richard owned.  We're driving somewhere -- not sure where -- and I'm not at all sure who the driver is.  It may or may not be Richard.  

I think we have a meeting in the parking lot, to which the driver may or may not be invited.  There is an issue of a ticket -- similar to the old-fashioned ticket used at movie theaters and carnivals.  (My notes show the word "tickets" followed by a question mark.)  I don't recall what the ticket was all about, but it seemed to involve me and the person/people I was there to meet with.  I do have a vivid mental image of the ticket being torn. I don't know by whom.

Sorry that I don't have more details here.  As with so many of my dreams here at Crosslands, this one was chock-full of details...

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