Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Bad Dream 139 -- Morning of 2/17/21

This dream had two distinct scenarios, but they felt connected by the personnel in them:

In the first part of my dream, I find myself in New York City with a well informed Resident of the city plus an Unidentifiable.  We are in an elevator in the Empire State Building headed for the top.  The Resident is saying something about the city and life therein, but I'm not paying much attention to what he's saying.  (It's definitely a "he.")

The elevator stops at the top end of its range and we get out.  We're on the roof, which is flat with a hip- or chest-high wall around it so that people don't accidentally fall off or are blown off or pushed off.  I walk to the wall and look over and down.  And get that feeling in my innards -- including my groin -- that this is not a good place to be nor a good thing to look at.  But I do it anyway.  When I've had enough, I walk back away from the wall.

I know that the weather is nice.  It's warm but not hot, partially sunny with a light breeze.  If we were to stay on the roof for some significant time -- the three of us -- that would be fine, but the Resident (I think) is gently urging us to get back in the elevator.  

As we descend, I see that the elevator has a glass wall that allows us to watch the city as we slowly descend.  

In the second part of my dream, the three of us are outside, standing on a grassy plot.  I look down and see a small turtle.  It's quite round with an unusually flat shell.  It is crawling out from the grass.  I pick it up and decide it is likely a child's pet that got separated from its owner.  I take a quick look around to try and locate anyone who might be the turtle's owner, but there's no one that looks likely.  

I hold the turtle in one hand and cup the other hand over top.  The turtle is not thrilled with this maneuver, but isn't objecting too strenuously.

It occurs to me that the turtle might be perfectly happy to spend its days in Central Park, and ask the Resident what would be the best way to get there.  But the Resident explains that it would be difficult and the best way might be to walk but it's a very long walk and it's getting dark and you would not want to be out on the streets at this time of the evening.  We are standing on a sidewalk(?) near a busy piece of road, and it is rather dark.  Store signs lit up and people walking by rather quickly and not paying attention.  Cars passing as well.  Clearly to put this tiny turtle down on the pavement of street or sidewalk would be the end of the turtle in quick order.  

Looking down at what is rapidly becoming my turtle, I see there's slight chip in the shell.  Nothing that would interfere with the turtle having a long and happy life -- assuming we could find a way to get him/her to a proper marsh/swamp area where she/he would be comfortable.  

I start considering what arrangements I am going to have to make to take care of this turtle until I can get it to such a place.  Occasionally the turtle extends its head and legs, letting me know that it's ready to start marching somewhere.  

I wake up.

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