Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Bad Dream 136 -- Morning of 1/27/21

In my dream, an Unidentifiable (no face, no name, no gender, no speech) and I are waiting to board some form of public transportation.  It might be a bus or a boat, but not an airplane.  

The seats are arranged "Lounge Style," that is, placed against the walls with an open space in the middle -- and are somewhat padded.  Color is what we used to call "putty" when it was used for the case around the old computer CRT's -- with all those little buttons to hold the padding in place.

We enter the vehicle to make sure that we have assigned seats, knowing we would have to step back outside and board again when our "group" of people is called.  (This will be like boarding an airplane, where families with babies go on, then First Class, then back rows, etc.)  I'm pleased to see that my name is, in fact written in pencil on one of the seats.  I turn my head a bit to make sure that the Unidentifiable "sees" that things are okay.  We leave the vehicle and begin to wait again, assured that everything will be fine. 

In a bit, a voice announces one group to enter the vehicle.  Not us.  Then a second group.  Still not us.  I start to get a bit concerned that a lot of people have boarded the vehicle and will we still have our assigned seats, but am confident since I saw my name written on a seat.  

Finally, we're called to enter -- and there's a large group of us that get on.  I work my way over to the place where I saw my name and see that the area is already taken by a lot of folks.  (Seating is bench-like, without individual seating designed into the furniture.)  There is a space more or less where I remember seeing my name, and the person just to the right of that space is a very pretty young woman dressed very nicely.  I'm pleased with the thought that the young lady and I might strike up a conversation.  (From this point on in the dream, the Unidentifiable is no longer in evidence.)  I sit down next to her on what I remember to be my assigned seat.  

My sitting down clearly makes the young lady nervous.  I think possibly about introducing myself as a means to assuage any concerns she might have about my presence, but decide it's more likely to make matters worse.

After a short piece of time, during which the woman seems to get more and more distressed, she gets up and walks over to a man sitting on one of the Lounge Benches directly across from us.  She says a few words to him that I can't hear, but can guess what she's saying.  He looks over at me, gets up and walks slowly over in my direction.  

He smiles and starts talking about the world in general.  But we both know why he's standing there.  Then he gets more specific in his language and brings his face closer to mine.  He never says directly "What the hell do you think you're doing?" but that seems to be his general attitude.  He obviously wants me to move away, but there's no where else to go to without leaving the vehicle completely.  (I wish I would have thought about just switching seats with the guy, but that's not the way the dream went.)  

He's a large fellow, who looks to be in pretty good shape.  I wouldn't be surprised if he had experience in handling ne'er-do-wells like me in a very physical way.  

I consider asking him things like "What do you want me to do?  Get off the bus?" but decide against that.  It would simply allow him to say something like "There's a good idea!" or worse, as in "It might be better for your health if you did."  

The guy's chatter comes closer and closer to accusing me of something (that I didn't do!) or making clearer that I need to go away.  I'm not interested in hearing any more of these veiled threats, but can't think of anything to say that won't make it worse.  

I wake up.  

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