Saturday, January 23, 2021

Bad Dream 135 -- Morning of 1/20/21

(This dream took place several days ago.  I've lost the notes I made that morning, but remember most of what took place...)

In my dream, I am watching a "drama" unfold:

I see a man in front of me -- somewhat to my left.  There is nothing unusual about him.  He's maybe in his mid-30's or thereabouts.  I'll call him "The Man" or simply "TM."  

In front of me -- somewhat to my right is The Invisible Man, whom I will call "IM."  I literally can't see anything about him except his hat -- which I think would be described as a Fedora.  The IM is also identifiable by his voice, which seems to come from somewhere under his hat.  It's a very pleasant voice, masculine and strong, but with a tone of warmth and caring.

The IM is "chatting up" TM with questions about where he's from, what he does for a living, what he does for entertainment -- you know, stuff like that.  TM seems quite comfortable in answering these questions and maybe even pleased that IM is showing such an interest.  It sounds as if these two have never met before.  TM responds to all IM's questions with appropriate answers, even though -- it occurs to me -- that it's unusual for anyone asking such personal questions on first meeting.  IM asks follow-up questions like "Hmm!  Where do you to that?" which indicate that he (IM) is paying close attention to TM's responses.  

Listening on this exchange, I'm interested in both the questions and the answers.  I'm impressed that IM can ask these questions with such an easy style that TM doesn't mind answering.  But after a while, I am puzzled as to why IM is asking so many questions.  Does he have some ulterior motive -- not just simple curiosity?  I feel as if I might have commented on this situation and my concern, but TM seems comfortable in responding, so I simply continue watching the exchange.  

After this goes on for sometime, I realize that IM isn't quite invisible anymore.  I can see, faintly, the outline of his face.  He has a very neatly maintained beard, which shows up early in this process.  (So that the main things you see about IM are his hat and his beard, but his facial features are gradually coming into sight.)

IM continues to ask these friendly questions and TM continues to respond.  But soon after I notice that IM's face is starting to appear, I notice that TM is looking a bit fatigued.  And then he starts to slump forward.  I don't recall whether he simply starts leaning on a table in front of him or whether he collapses into a seat, but clearly he is not as full of energy as he was.

As the Q&A continues, I realize that IM is absorbing the energy, the essence of TM.  IM continues to become more visible as TM becomes less and less substantial.  I think I start to see through TM's body as he slumps more and more...

I wake up.

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