Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bad Dream 102 -- Morning of 11/8/19

I don't expect to derive any wisdom from this dream, but I think it might be important to document it in any case:

In my dream, I am in a nondescript room talking with someone whose face and voice I can't remember.  Nor can I remember the topic we were discussing.  

What I do remember is that the speaker gave me a (pretty vague, I think) threat that if I did that thing -- or I didn't do that thing -- (it wasn't clear what that thing was), that there would be consequences that I wouldn't like.  

As I listened to him talking, I felt something hit the back of my head -- just at the base of the skull.  Right at the center line.

Dreams usually include the "hearing sounds through a channel other than your waking-life ears" and "seeing something through a path other than your waking-life eyes."  But this whack felt very much like something hit the back of my waking-life head.  

My first thought -- in my dream -- was that an associate of the person I was talking with had sneaked up behind me and hit me.  If you can imagine a baseball bat made out of a rather firm "foam rubber" material, swung with modest force, then you know what that whack felt like.  The hit was not meant to hurt me, but just to get my attention immediately and completely.  

While I have "seen" and "heard" so much through my dreams, I believe this is the first time that I've ever "felt" something.  And, in this case, something that caused me to wake up immediately -- and remember pretty clearly what that impact felt like.  

But I've got nothing else to report about the dream... 

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