This dream had three distinct phases and, at the end of the third phase it woke me up from the nightmarish aspects of it:
In the first phase, I am looking over a smallish grassy plot and see a “Fairy Ring” – a circle of mushrooms roughly two feet in diameter. The stems of the mushrooms are tall, but the mushrooms are “past their prime” and bending over, roughly half-way up the stem and the mushroom heads are wilting.
I call to Deb to come and see this – not so much because the mushrooms are wilting but because the circle is so perfect and so well-defined by the population of mushrooms that make up the circle.
This event is followed by another one, quite similar. Again, I call out to Deb to come and see the Fairy Ring and once again, it’s just about perfect and all the mushrooms are wilting.
I don’t believe that Deb shows up at either calling.
In the second phase of the dream, I am in a facility housing youngsters and, perhaps grown-ups as well. The deal here is that the residents in the facility can’t get out. They don’t seem to be mistreated in any way – “well cared-for” is the phrase that comes to mind – but once you walk into the place (it seems as if) you can never walk out again.
I am standing in front of a door that leads into the facility, and there is a black pushbutton on the wall next to the door. I have the feeling that I might be able to go into the facility and leave, but I might be trapped in the facility with all the other folks. I’m not sure whether I push the button or not, but I do enter the facility.
I am now standing next to a group of young adolescents who are “residents” of the facility. They are waiting for something – it’s quite possible it’s getting close to mealtime. One of the youngsters with unruly black hair is telling the others in a soft voice about his plan to do something. It might be to get himself out of the facility – I’m not sure about this.
The third phase of the dream finds me in the same facility (I think) but the people here are older – roughly my age. I think all of them – certainly some of them – are wearing pajamas and/or bathrobes. I’m in a Social Room with all of them. I’m not part of this group – and I may have been sent here to
investigate a phenomenon: men in this group have been murdering their wives without knowing why or even that they did it. They would have no recollection of the event.
I am circulating with these people a bit when I suddenly see one of the men (wearing pajamas) dragging something around a corner and possibly out of the room. The “something” is large and looks heavy. I understand that what he’s dragging is the corpse of his wife.
I confront him about this activity, and he looks surprised and bewildered. He clearly doesn’t “connect” himself with the disposal effort of his wife’s earthly remains.
I wake up.
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