Sunday, October 14, 2018

Seek and ye shall...

In this posting, I'm simply reporting what happened.  I'm not ready to place any particular meaning on these events.  Capisce?

To begin with, two things need to be understood: 

Thing 1.  I received a Summons to Jury Duty some time ago, and I've been really pleased and excited about the prospect of reporting for Duty and getting to know first-hand this vital part of our society functions.  And I knew that the Summons was an Important Piece of Paper that I would need.  (It says so on the Paper.)  So I placed it in A Very Important and Secure Place.  And when I went to find the paper several days before I was to report...  I couldn't remember which Very Important Place I had used to stash the Summons. I checked every VISP I could think of where I might have placed this paper, but to no avail.  

Thing 2.  (And this Thing is coming into sharper focus as I get deeper into the Spiritual Nurturing program of The School of the Spirit.)  I wrestle with the notion of God as being an entity aware of my existence and doing things to my benefit and answering my prayers.  When I was going through my cancer treatments, I would kneel beside my bed and apologize to God for not paying more attention to Him.  And I must admit I thought that was a safe thing to do because if there was no one there to hear my prayer, that was okay.  But if there was, maybe He could help assure that I would come safely through my treatment regimes and be healthy again.  And if there wasn't, well, no harm done.  Of my three Magesteria, neither the Tao Teh Ching nor my understanding of Buddhism require such cognizance on an existential basis.  And in addition, my understanding of Occam's Razor suggests that such a God is an unnecessary complication to understanding the Universe.

So here's what happened: 

This morning (i.e., the day before I might have been required to bring my Summons to the Justice Center and report for Duty), I was meditating much as I usually do first thing of the day.  And I found myself praying "Okay, I need to be honest about this.  I'm not at all sure there's anyone Out There listening to my prayer.  But if there is, I really want to find that Summons today and I would appreciate help in that effort."  Not very flowery or subservient I will grant you, but heartfelt.  And after finishing meditation, I went downstairs to breakfast.  

But before I got to the kitchen to help prepare things, I checked in a place for the Summons -- a place that I had either forgot to look in and/or felt it highly unlikely that I would have placed the Summons there.  But in either case, the Summons was, in fact, there. I had been looking for a business-size envelope from the County, but because there were several pieces of paper associated with the Summons, I placed them all in a much larger envelope and placed it in a vertical file behind several other envelopes of the same size.  I don't know why I forgot I had done this, but I forget more things lately than I care to think about.  In any case, the information on the Summons showed that I did not have to report tomorrow (Monday) because my Pool Order Number was greater than the number of people called with lower numbers.  Meaning that I need to report on Tuesday, rather than Monday.

Now Sherlock Holmes is reported to have said "Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains -- no matter how unlikely -- must be the truth."  And as I mull over these events, I keep bouncing between "Yes, I did get the help I needed." and "Sherlock explained what actually happened."  

As mentioned earlier, I'm simply reporting what happened, and not taking sides in the analysis.  

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