Friday, January 24, 2025

Bad Dream 211 Key to the Truck

(my dream was considerably longer and more involved, but here's what I recall...)

In my dream, I am sitting in the cab of a tractor/trailer -- without a trailer attached to the back.  I've driven this rig on a number of occasions, but am not the only driver.  I feel very comfortable sitting here, knowing I'm about to start the engine and drive some place.  My destination is not clear to me as the dreamer, but the me in the dream knows where I'm going.  

Getting underway means starting the engine, so I'm looking over my keychain for the right key to insert in the ignition switch.  I go through all my keys on the chain -- there's something between 12 and 20 keys to sort through -- without any success.  I look at a key that might fit and move my hand and the key towards the switch.  To my surprise, there's already a key in the switch!

I'm concerned that this is a bad practice -- that anyone could have climbed into the cab and started the engine.  I make a mental note to talk to the people that might have left a key in the switch.  I then realize that the driver's side mirror is also very badly aligned -- almost pushed up against the door -- and grouse about the shoddy care that someone is taking with the truck.  

At the same time, I'm grateful to have the key available to me so I can start the truck and move towards my destination.  And there's some connection to a family get-together involved in my destination, and I feel good about getting to see everyone.

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