Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Bad Dream 196 -- Photographing Kevin

For some reason that isn't made clear to me, I have been asked to photograph Kevin Wheeler -- a friend of mine whom I met at Quaker Meeting many years ago.

I'm pretty serious about my photography, and Kevin would seem to be an interesting subject for portraiture.  He has a very distinctive face and a tall and slender anatomy to go along with his fine features.  And we are in an old barn or factory with lots of interesting spaces and lighting/shading opportunities.  

We are just setting up for a couple of shots when someone calls for Kevin to go somewhere else in the building.  Well, that sort of thing happens, and I take the opportunity to double-check the settings on my camera.  

Kevin returns and assumes a lovely pose with interesting lighting.  I'm not sure that I have captured the image I want when someone else calls to Kevin to go yet somewhere else nearby.  

This happens a few more times, and then Kevin, who's always had an impish sense of humor, starts darting off without being called -- just to tease me.  What had been a minor interruption in the photo shoot has become a major inconvenience, and I am clearly more upset about this than Kevin is.  

Okay, I've had enough of this, abandon the project, and walk away.  The weather outside the building has changed, and it is now raining lightly out of a sunshine-bright sky.  The temperature is warm and there are kids running back and forth through the rain laughing loudly -- having a wonderful time.  So now I have new subjects for my photography!

I'm concerned about getting my camera wet and am trying to figure out how to stay protected from the raindrops while taking advantage of the wonderful images of children laughing in the rain.  I think I have this figured out, but the camera refuses to shoot -- probably because the autofocus is confused by the raindrops.  

I feel a bit frustrated by the experience with Kevin and the inability to capture images of the children, but I am taking pleasure of watching the children at play.

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