Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Bad Dream 187 -- Strange Golf Course Experience

 In my dream, I am out on a very strange golf course.  (This may tie in to the fact that I took my golf clubs out of the locker yesterday for the first time in 5 or 6 years.  I found that swinging a golf club would not likely cause any recurrence of my right shoulder issues -- so I could consider trying to get together with my younger brother again to play.)

Normally the maximum number of people in a group to play on a regular golf course is four.  In this case, I am joined by a group of 5 or 6 or 7 other people in the same group.  

We are walking through an area that looks like the sand dunes that you might find at the seashore or a desert.  The group stops at a spot that doesn't look much different from any other place we've seen, but the group seems to know that this is a teeing-off spot for this hole.  There's no grass anywhere, but some desert plants growing here and there.  I feel as if I'm just starting to play, but that this isn't Hole #1.  I don't mind much, as I'm simply out here to knock a golf ball around and get some socializing and exercising.  

We can't tee off because there's a young man in front of us who is looking to his his second shot.  His ball is located in the sand close to and directly behind a tall weed of some sort.  The plant would seem to be right in the middle of the fairway, given how he's addressing the ball, but there's no particular physical evidence that's true.  He just has a plant directly in front of his ball.

Now, golf course rules might allow him to move the ball sideways around the plant without taking a penalty.  If not, the sensible shot is to hit the ball sideways to the plant so that his next shot would be clear to the target.  But he doesn't seem to know or care about either option.

He's walking around in small circles, gesturing rather wildly about his bad luck in having the ball where it is, and trying to figure out what the best plan of attack might be.  

My golfing partners are starting to get a bit peeved at the young man's histrionics, but they're ready to wait until he resolves the issue.

The young man finally decides just to blast the ball directly into the plant, hoping it will break through the foliage.  It doesn't.  The ball hits the leaves and stems and then bounces directly backwards.  

There is a rather large sand dune about 50 yards or so in front of us.  As the young man's ball stops rolling backwards across the sand, a pair of camels show up at the top of the sand dune.  They are running quickly.  One of the camels is much larger than the other -- and it appears that the larger one is either Mom or Dad (I think Mom...) and the kid.  And the parent is teaching the kid how to best to run across loose sand.

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