Sunday, November 28, 2021

Bad Dream 147: A Couple of Oddities

 By this time, my Dream Analysis Procedure is pretty much routine: scribble a few notes when I awake from the dream, go back to sleep, get up and power up my Blogspot and write out what I wrote and what I remember and whatever elaborations seem appropriate.  But recently, there were two unrelated(?) dream segments that didn't fit this standard pattern.


(I had made arrangements to meet my sister in Havre de Grace at 8:00 one morning.  And given the time it takes to get fully awake, dressed, fed, car packed, and drive to HdG, I set an alarm the night before to 4:00.  It seemed a bit early, but I wanted to be in HdG early to do a bit of birding. This is the dream I had that next morning.)

In my dream, I am standing in front of a four-burner gas stove that has the two burners on the left lit.  No pots, pans, or skillets there, mind you, just the nice blue flame.  

I go to light a third burner -- the one in the back on the right -- by turning on the gas and listening for the "tik/tik/tik" of the igniter.  As sometimes happens, the burner didn't "catch" immediately, but this time, it seemed unusually long before igniting.  I could hear the gas hissing, but no flame.  

Just as I started to get concerned about too much un-ignited gas in the room, I heard a loud SNAP!! and saw a bright yellow flame roughly 10 inches above the burner tapering slightly at the top and bottom.  Flame maybe 15 or 17 inches tall.  Those two sensations woke me up immediately -- not just groggy awake but wide awake just like that.  

I looked at my bedside clock, which read 3:57AM -- three minutes before the alarm was set to go off.  This allowed me to cancel the 4:00AM alarm, so that Deb didn't have to be awakened by the loud alarm.  

How thoughtful!

Swallowing Screws  

I'm writing up this little part of a larger dream because it's all I can remember AND that because I'm pretty sure that it's been an element of a number of other dreams I've had recently.  

In the course of other things happening in the dream (which, as mentioned above, I don't recall -- but the dream was rather busy and vivid as many of my recent dreams have been), I find that I have several wood screws in the palm of my hand.  Maybe 3 or 4.  They're all identical, all shiny as if they just came from the hardware store.  I estimate they were #10 screws at roughly 1-1/4 inches long.  

Without thinking much about it, I pop one or two into my mouth and swallow them.  This activity doesn't interrupt the flow of the rest of the dream.  No one else in the dream notices what I'm doing.  There is no pain or any discomfort resulting from this activity.  Shortly after this, I begin to wonder what those screws will do to my interior.  I think about my esophagus, my stomach, and my intestines.  Then, knowing that my body won't digest the screws, I think a little farther along in the digestive process...  It occurs to me that the screws might well do serious damage to some soft tissue along the digestive way.  But it's more an academic concern than a concern for my health.  I think that I may have done this before, and that I might be building up a supply of wood screws in my stomach.

As mentioned above, I feel that this interlude in the middle of a dream is something that has happened to me before in several other dreams.  

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