Monday, September 28, 2020

Bad Dream 127 -- Morning of 9/28/20

In my dream, I am at some kind of camp for grown-ups.  There are maybe 50 to 100 people here -- it's hard to tell.  All grown-ups.  The people here kind of know each other.  We're not total strangers, but we're not close friends either.  So I'm guessing it's a company-sponsored get-together.

As the dream starts, I am in a lecture hall with a bunch of other people.  Seating is somewhat haphazard -- not theatre type seating arrangement, but long tables perpendicular to the speaker.  Someone at the front of the room is giving a lecture.  The words are perfectly clear and the speaker is presenting with considerable energy.  And I can tell that some of the people in the audience are listening very carefully -- the information being provide affects what they do in an important way.  A number of us, however, are sitting through this lecture simply because we don't have any choice.  But the dream does not allow me to know the subject of the lecture.  I understand that the lecture material is tangential to me and my interests.  I sit and try gently to pay attention, but if I don't remember anything about the material, that's okay.  

It's a two-day program here at the camp.  That much I understand.  And the lecture -- which seems to have been one of several on related topics -- took place on the first evening.  The scene shifts now to mid-day on the second and last day of the get-together.  

We're outside.  And I can see that the facility is located at the top of a considerable hill surrounded by woods.  The air is pleasantly warm with a very gentle breeze.  The sunshine is quite bright.  

Most of us are sitting on benches but some of us are walking around pretty aimlessly.  

The Point of All This seems to be (and I think I understood this in the dream as well as afterwards) that the first day of the event was packed with information that the sponsoring organization (whatever it was) really wanted us to absorb.  But no one in the organization seems to have done any planning for what takes place in the second day.  


As I woke up from the dream, there was a strong feeling that the dream was a reflection of the Cadence of My Life.  

For decades, I felt driven to keep a good job, accumulate a financially solid base, and work as hard as I felt I needed to -- and I felt I needed to work hard indeed. But now, while I have a pleasant variety of things I might do, none of them really matter much to the world around me -- and maybe therefore not to me as well.

If I do stuff (Quaker Meeting, Photography, Staying in Shape, Reading), that's okay.  No one will mind.  But if I don't do those things, there's no consequence.  

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