Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Bad Dream 111 -- Morning of 1/5/20

In my dream, I'm sitting in a car with my brother Richard.  We're at a stoplight or a stop sign or just pulled off onto the side of the road.  Can't tell which.  But the point is that the car is not moving and I don't think the engine is running.  I am on the left side of the car, which I guess means that I was driving.  We're just sitting here chilling...

I see a small motorcycle pull up beside us.  The design of the bike and its paint job is similar, but it's clearly a smaller displacement engine.  The driver is obviously having considerable difficulties handling the bike.  It comes wobbling to a stop.  The rider is a young man -- and he's clearly frustrated with his efforts to drive the bike smoothly and safely.  

The immediate concern here is that the crossroad at this intersection is quite busy with fairly high-speed traffic.  It's perfectly safe if you have your vehicle under control, which is clearly not the case for the young man.

He looks at the traffic crossing in front of us -- and recognizes the danger of trying to cross the road riding the bike.  He looks at us and says "Help me!"

Richard looks at me as if to say "Okay, you're up!"  

I find myself sitting on the bike looking over the controls.  Now, there is (I'm fairly sure) a standard arrangement of controls: right hand--throttle and front brake + left hand--clutch + left foot--gear shift + right foot--rear brake.  I start to manipulate these controls for familiarity's sake, and the young man tells me I'm doing it all wrong.  That the controls on this bike are located in different places.  He suggests he should just take the bike back from me, but I stare him down and make the appropriate changes in my thinking about which control is located where.  The young man settles down.

The scene shifts to a totally different place.  It feels like the porch to some building or other, but I'm still sitting on the motorcycle, which is pointed towards the open area in front of the porch.  Which is a grassy field.

There is an Unidentifiable sitting on a bike next to me, and the young man is somewhere nearby.  I hear myself saying "Want to see a wheelie?" -- which wouldn't be a good thing to do with the young man standing nearby.  Doing a wheelie is the worst thing I could do, as I want him to learn how to ride a motorcycle safely.  

But I disregard that concern and take off.  I'm not totally certain I know how to handle a wheelstand on this particular machine, but it turns out I have good control of the bike as it scoots along on its rear wheel.  I'm enjoying myself immensely and don't care at the moment for the bad lesson I'm teaching him.  

The dream ends with me riding along on the kid's bike.  On its rear wheel.  

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