Monday, July 6, 2020

Bad Dream 126 -- Morning of 7/6/20

In my dream, I have recently checked into a hotel along with a co-worker (male) who checked into separate room.  We are on a business trip of some sort.  

I am at the jobsite -- which is an office setting.  There is a desk where I can do some work, although it's somewhat crowded by employees of our customer.  My co-worker has seen me to this desk and informed me that he has other business-related activities to perform elsewhere.  So he leaves.

After he's gone, several workers encourage me to change my location from where I've been working to a desk at the far end of the room.  There is a half wall with bulletin board space between this new desk and the rest of the office space, which feels like a help to me.  The partial isolation.  I can concentrate better.      

Time passes and my co-worker does not return.  The day is getting on, and folks are starting to wind up their activities.  No one's headed for the door just yet, but there's that feeling of wind-up that you get in an office late in the day.  

Still no co-worker.  

I begin to get concerned because:
  -- my co-worker and I drove to this place -- and he took the car to drive to his other destination.  I really have no idea where I am in regards to the hotel.
  -- I don't know what my co-worker's "other destination" is.
  -- I can't recall my co-worker's name or his telephone number.
  -- I also can't remember the name of the company I work for.  So I can't check in with headquarters to start up a string of information that will get me oriented again.  
  -- I don't recall the name or location of the hotel where all my stuff is.
  -- If my co-worker had already stopped by, he would have seen that I was no longer at the desk where I started out.  And he wouldn't see me at the back end of the office behind this half wall.  So he might well have assumed that I got a lift back to the hotel with someone from the customer's employ.  

I think I can re-establish contact with my co-worker and the rest of my life if I can only get a copy of the Yellow Pages phone book.  I think I would recognize the name of my hotel if I saw it in print.  I ask one of the office workers for a copy of the Yellow Pages and he tells me they don't keep copies of that book any more.  He suggests that I look on-line.  For some reason, I know that won't work. 

I think about just abandoning the whole enterprise -- start over from scratch but recall that I have valuable stuff stored in my room at the hotel.  I could simply walk away from this whole episode except I can't leave my stuff.  

I wake up.