Friday, October 25, 2019

Bad Dream 99 -- Morning of 10/25/19

I know that Jeremy Taylor says that there is no such thing as a "Bad Dream" or a "Nightmare," but what I experienced early this morning comes darn close.  The "feeling" of the dream was reminiscent of a horror/sci-fi movie:

In my dream, I am standing outside a ranch-style house -- on a small porch -- looking into the woods, which are straight ahead of me, a hundred yards or so away.    

I see something out there.  It's in the air, but hard to judge how big it is and how far away.  It's an oblong rectangle, maybe 4 or 5 times wider than it is tall.  (I will sketch up something of what it looks like in Power Point and, if possible, move it to this write-up.  If not, I will place a copy of the image in the 3-ring binder next to this write-up.)  It is essentially black, but has three white rings inside it.  They are arranged horizontally equally spaced across the rectangle.  The middle one is just a bit lower than the other two.  Maybe 1/4 of the diameter of the circles.  Maybe a bit less.  

Although there are woods straight ahead, this object can be seen "in front" of the woods or "simply through" the woods, as if the trees are transparent in front of the object.  In other words, I can't tell whether the object is in front of the woods (i.e., closer to the house) or behind the woods or somewhere inside the woods.  All I can tell is that I can clearly see the object.  

I know the object is not a natural phenomenon, like a sunrise or sunset, but other than that, I haven't a clue as to what it is.

The scene shifts.  It is now nighttime the air is pleasant and just a little bit cool -- a lovely time (usually) to be outside.  I am on that same small porch, but there are other people around me.  It is at least one family group -- maybe more -- but there are grown-up mommies and daddies and kids as well.  I can't tell how many people there are.  I am somewhat acquainted with these people, but not intimate, long-term friends.  I would be able to call some of them by name, but not all.

All of us are on the porch looking towards the woods.  The object is still there, but "feels" as if it's moving.  Closer to the house and maybe losing a bit of altitude -- as if were floating and now maybe it's landing.  I feel concerned about this, but not necessarily frightened yet.  But fear is not far away.

I then sense that there are bipedal beings moving ever-so-slowly towards the house from the woods.  They are associated with this object.  Maybe the object was a ship which has now landed and these beings have disembarked.  Because it's dark, I can't make out exactly what they look like.  All I see are dim gray outlines.  As they walk slowly towards the house they shift slightly side to side.  They look dumpy -- their "heads" sloping slightly outward to sloped shoulders and their sides slightly bulging to the outside.  If a haystack decided to become bipedal and roughly human in shape, it might look like this.  I sense maybe a half dozen of them, but understand that there may be more of them behind these.  Maybe a lot more of them.  As they shift side to side, moving slowly forward, I think they shift side to side in unison.  My feeling is that whatever/whoever they are, standing as bipedal beings may not be their actual/usual form, but rather a form they've adopted because they're now walking across Planet Earth.  If they were elsewhere, they would adopt a different form.  

Okay, now I'm really worried.  I have the strong sense that they are moving towards our house.  (There are no other structures anywhere near us.)  There is no way to know whether they wish us well and simply want to interact or whether they wish to eat us.  The image of the floor of our house scattered with our bones flashes across my dream vision.  

I tell the people around me that we need to move back into the house.   I'm not sure how much of what I see of these beings is being seen by the rest of the people in our group.  I get the feeling that at least several of the people wish to remain outside and see what these creatures look like and what they want.  I think this is a terrible idea.  

I call out more firmly: "We need to move back into the house NOW!"  And some people start to move, but not quickly.  I'm getting frightened, but I don't think many if any of the people around me share my concern.  

The house has a number of floor-to-ceiling windows facing the woods, so that if these creatures wish to enter the house, it should be fairly simple for them simply to break the glass.  I know there is a door on the opposite side of the house,  but I feel that fleeing the house by that exit would only forestall the inevitable -- whatever the inevitable is.  

The creatures keep moving slowly swaying a bit side-to-side walking towards our house.  There are, in fact, more of them behind the few that I initially saw.  

I wake up.